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By Phil Bartle, PhD

Training Handout

Happiness causes smiles and smiles cause happiness

We usually think that when we are happy we begin to smile and laugh. True. Many of us, however, did not know that it is a two way street. When we are not happy, if we smile and laugh, we become happy.

To be unhappy, especially over an extended time, is unhealthy, and can lead to clinical depression. Experiencing many disappointments is a common situation in community work. We meet “promise and fail” often.

To do our job, however, we need a positive attitude, an ever flowing spring of hope, optimism. So whenever we observe that we are feeling “down,” we can counteract that by smiling and laughing.

Think of the slogan,“fake it ‘til you make it.” Doing so will spark some inner emotions that produce happiness inside us, and that happiness is a healthy resource that will make our lives better, and assist us to do a better job.

It will also help us to stay healthy, or to heal faster if we are ill

Smile and laugh.


© Copyright 1967, 1987, 2007 Phil Bartle
Web Design by Lourdes Sada
Last update: 2012.03.23

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