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Use Them For Free But Do Not Misuse Them

by Phil Bartle, PhD

These are our documents


You may download these documents for free. We provide them as a public service. You may not copy them to call them your own, or sell them ─or any parts of them─ and call them your own. You may not plagiarize. However you do use them, please indicate the author.

You are invited to make training materials of your own out of them. You may translate them into a local language for your own use. If you do, please send copies to us of what you make. Please let us know how you use them. Your feedback is our only reward.

If you use any of these professionally, to make money, then pay a fair price for them. If you are a library or donor agency, then pay a fair price for them. Write and ask. See Power Point.

If you are able to translate them into another language, please let us know. We would like to put them on the internet here in that other language for other people to use. This is your opportunity to contribute.

Members of WikiEducator, please note: The CEC (Community Empowerment Collective, which produces these materials) has made an agreement with WikiEducator, for the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License. (CC by SA) this means you may modify, edit or add to any of this material, so long as you acknowledge the original authors.


Se copiar algum texto deste website, por favor avise o autor(es),
e inclua um link de volta para cec.vcn.bc.ca/cmp/

© Direitos de autor 1967, 1987, 2007 Phil Bartle
Web Design: Lourdes Sada
Última actualização: 25.11.2011

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