Monitoring and Evaluation; How and How Well Objectives Are Being Reached by Phil Bartle, PhD Module Introduction. Documents Included in this Monitoring Module . Principles and Purpose, the nature of monitoring; . Planning and Implementation, integrating monitoring at all phases; . Evaluation, making value judgements after monitoring; . Management Information, handling information generated by monitoring; . Participation in Monitoring, who should monitor; . Levels of Monitoring, community, district, national and donor; . Monitoring and Reporting, forwarding the observations and analysis; . Monitoring Forms, use these to design your own. The processes of observing results and evaluating progress towards reaching objectives This module looks at the process of monitoring and its sister process, evaluation. As well as showing the skills needed by mobilizers, it looks at monitoring from a wider perspective, including but not limited to the roles of mobilizers. The document, Definitions and Purpose, looks at what monitoring is, and introduces the topic. The next document, Planning and Implementation, points out the necessity of monitoring being integrated at all stages, from planning through implementation. Evaluation goes on to explain that if we evaluate or judge the information obtained through monitoring, we may question even the choice of objectives and/or our strategy in attempting to reach them. Management Information shows that of all the information needed by management to implement a project or programme, that produced by monitoring and evaluation is most crucial. Participation in Monitoring looks at the necessity of participation by all stake holders is needed. Levels of Monitoring points out that monitoring is important for recipients at the community level, actors at the district level, as well as at national and donor levels. As with community participation and participatory management, participation is not automatic, but requires that participants need to have at least a minimum of stimulation and training in order to participate effectively. The document, Monitoring and Reporting, links to the module on reporting, with an emphasis on the reporting of information obtained through monitoring. Mobilizers are encouraged to learn about monitoring, and the necessity of doing it at every stage (see Annual Review), and of stimulating and providing training for the participation of all stake holders, including staff and beneficiaries in the community, in both monitoring and evaluation. --» «-- If you copy any text from this site, please link it back to Updated: 2003 May 8