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Assessment should be based upon individual/group borrowers' application to the Group/CBO.

When the loans recommended are beyond the authority of the DLC, then the application will be submitted to the PMT Loans Committee for consideration and action.

note: On approval of the loan, the application will be returned to the group and then the group (or member) will acknowledge the approval and pledge to abide by the Wealth Generation Scheme's lending rules and regulations thus.

Loan Appraisal
To be used by the Community Development Assistant (CDA) in assessing loan applications for Groups/CBOs.
Background of Applicant (Group/CBO):

Assessment of Technical Feasibility of the Enterprise Activities (if possible to be completed):

Assessment of Economic Feasibility of the Micro-Enterprise (market assessment):

Assessment of Financial Viability of the Micro-Enterprise (profitability assessment):

CDA's Appraisal Comments:

Recommendations by CDA:
I recommend a loan of (shillings): ________________ to the _____________________________________________ Group, to be utilized as follows:

Name of Member Applicant Purpose of Loan Amount (shillings)

Total (shillings):
Signature of CDA:

(block letters, please)

Village, County and District: 

District Co-ordinator's (CDO's) Comments and Recommendations:

Name (DPC):


Review by District Loans Committee: (State any conditions and comments by the committee)

District Loans Committee Decision:

Approved: Amount (shillings):
Deferred: Reason:
Rejected: Reason:

For those approved
Name of Individual Borrower Amount Repayment Period (months)

Any Other Conditions:

Signature: (Date)

Chairperson, District Loans Committee

We, the __________________________ Group/CBO, acknowledge the loan approval made to us by the Wealth Generation Scheme. We shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Wealth Generation Scheme in respect of the loan, and we shall utilize the loan according to schedule and meet all the requirements on to us.

Signed by:

Chair Person Secretary Treasurer

Date Date Date

On receipt of the acknowledgement, the Wealth Generation Scheme will issue instructions to the bank.
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