Background Page of Community Self Management, Empowerment and Development Training Material for Mobilizers
Who is reading this web site?
by Phil Bartle
Site Utility Reference
Statistics from Google Analytics
To obtain statistics about who is reading the web site, we have encoded all the htm web pages with a Java script supplied by Google. . Each day Google supplies a full set of information about the readers and pages read over the previous one month. We hope to update this from time to time.
There are over 11,000 htm web pages on the site. This does not include text files, word files, pdf (acrobat) files or graphics files.  The number increases daily as new translations come in to be uploaded. . If a web page is not read during the month, then it is not counted in the number of URLs listed below. The graphs reveal that many more people are reading the material while at the office. The number declines on the weekends (Fridays in Islaminc countries), and peaks each mid week.

My apologies. I am simply too busy, and had to slow down considerably because of my disability. I can no longer keep this page up to date. I will make access to the Google Analytics page to any one who asks.

Further I wish to invite anybody reading this to volunteer to collect the statistics from Google from time to time, send them to me, and I can upload them to this page.

Last time I looked, we were pushing a million page views per month.


Stats from 2009, January 29 to March 2:
Encoded URLs read: 5,557
Number of individual readers: 118,186
Number of page views: 570,843
Number of countries and territories: 214
Top countries: Mexico, USA, Venezuela, Colombia, Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Spain, Canada, UK
Number of languages used by readers: 88
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Page most seen: Spanish hub of Report Writing
SCN was down Sunday February 15
Stats over Christmas 2008:
Graph only
Stats from 2008, November 2 to December 2:
Encoded URLs read: 5,024
Number of individual readers: 128,753
Number of page views: 583,475
Number of countries and territories: 212
Top countries: Mexico, USA, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Spain, Philippines, Chile, Argentina
Number of languages used by readers: 95
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Page most seen: Spanish hub of Report Writing
SCN was down November 24

Stats from 2008, September 1 to October 30:
Encoded URLs read: 4,604
Number of individual readers: 107,169
Number of page views: 512,831
Number of countries and territories: 211
Top countries: Mexico, USA, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Philippines, Chile, Argentina, Spain
Number of languages used by readers: 85
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Page most seen: Spanish hub of Report Writing
SCN was down September 22

Stats from 2008, August 1 to August 30:

Encoded URLs read: 4,126
Number of individual readers: 83,204
Number of page views: 425,961
Number of countries and territories: 206
Top countries: Mexico, USA, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Philippines, Chile, Argentina, Spain
Number of languages used by readers: 73
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Stats from 2008, June 1 to June 30:
Encoded URLs read: 4,623
Number of individual readers: 94,312
Number of page views: 476,549
Number of countries and territories: 206
Top countries: Venezuela, Mexico, USA, Peru, Brazil, Philippines, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Argentina
Number of languages used by readers: 72
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French
Stats from 2008, May 1 to May 31:
Encoded URLs read: 4,359
Number of individual readers: 96,706
Number of page views: 483,895
Number of countries and territories (of viewers): 209
Top countries (in order): Venezuela, Mexico, USA, Columbia, Brazil, Peru, Spain, Chile, Argentina
Number of languages used by readers: 79
Top languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, French

Stats from 2008, April 18 to May 17:
Encoded URLs read: 4,206
Number of individual readers: 94,461
Number of page views: 473,418
Number of countries and territories: 206
Top countries (in order): Venezuela, USA, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Chile, Argentina, UK
Number of languages used by readers: 80
Top languages: Spanish. English, Portuguese, French
Stats from 2008, February 9 to March 10:
Encoded URLs read: 387 (We started encoding March 3)
Number of individual readers: 2,766
Number of page views: 8,557
Number of countries and territories: 122
Top countries (in order): 
Mexico, USA, Venezuela, Colombia, Canada, Philippines, UK, Peru, India
Number of languages used by readers: 36
Top languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French


Background Page of Community Self Management, Empowerment and Development Training Material for Mobilizers
Following the path of least resistance makes all rivers and some men crooked
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