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traduzione di Anna Bosi
Questo era un documento di lavoro utilizzato nell'ambito del PGC Uganda. Non è da intendersi come un elenco risorse completo ed esaustivo, quanto piuttosto una lista di pubblicazioni utili per le attività del nostro gruppo
- Arrosi, Silvina, et al
Funding Community Initiatives; The Role of NGOs. 190pp, ISBN: 1853832049, Earthscan 1994
- Blunt, Peter and D. Michael Warren
Indigenous Organizations and Development. 250pp, ISBN:1853393215, ITP 1996
- Braidotti, Rossi, et al (University of Utrecht)
Women, The Environment and Sustainable Development, Towards a Theoretical Synthesis, Zed Books. 1994
- Bunch, Roland (World Neighbours)
Bunch, Roland (World Neighbours) 1985
- Burkey, Stan (Quaker Service Norway)
People First, A Guide to Self-Reliant Participatory Rural Development, Zed Books. 1993
- Cammack, J
Basic Accounting for Small Groups. 64pp, ISBN:0855981482, ITP 1992
- Carew-Reid, Jeremy
Strategies for National Sustainable Development. 201pp, ISBN:185383193x, Earthscan 1994
- Carr, Marilyn (ed)
The Barefoot Book; Economically Appropriate Services for the Rural Poor. 128pp, ISBN:1853390372, ITP 1989
- Chambers, R. (IDS)
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory. Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper 311. Sussex, United Kingdom. 1992
- Chossudovsky, Michel (University of Ottawa)
The Globalization of Poverty, Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms, Zed Books. 1997
- Craig, Gary (University of Humberside)
Community Empowerment, A Reader in Participation and Development, Zed Books. 1995
- Dignard, Louise
Women in Micro- and Small- Scale Enterprise Development. 312pp, ISBN:1853392847, ITP 1995
- Dudley, Eric
The Critical Villager; Beyond Community Participation. 182pp, ISBN:0415073448, Routledge 1993
- Fals-Borda, Orlando & Muhammad Anisur Rahman
Action and Knowledge; Breaking the Monopoly with Participatory Action Research. 182pp, ISBN:1853390984, ITP 1991
- Feuerstein, Marie Therese
Partners in Evaluation; Evaluating Development and Community Programmes with Participants. 208pp, ISBN:0333422619, Macmillan 1987
- Franceys, Richard & Andrew Cotton
Services for the Urban Poor; A Select Bibliography. 84pp, ISBN:1853391883, ITP 1993
- Geneva Group
How to Run a Small Development Project. 44pp, ISBN:0946688478, ITP 1986
- Goethert, R. & N. Hamdi
Making Microplans; A Community Based Process in Programming and Development. 166pp, ISBN:1853390852, ITP 1988
- Gosling, Louisa
Toolkits; A Practical Guide to Assessment, Monitoring, Review and Evaluation. 180pp, ISBN:18032932, SCF 1995
- Goulet, Denis (University of Nortre Dame)
Development Ethics, A Guide to Theory and Practice, Zed Books. 1995
- Hardoy, Jorge E
The Poor Die Young. 308pp, ISBN:1853830194, Earthscan 1990
- Harper, Malcolm
Empowerment Through Enterprise. 184pp, ISBN:1853393320, ITP 1995
- Holcombe, Susan
The Grameen Bank's Experience of Poverty Alleviation, Zed Books. 1995
- Hurley, Donnacadh
Income Generation Schemes for the Urban Poor. 146pp, ISBN:0855981024, Oxfam 1990
- International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
RRA Notes Nos. 1-20, and continuing. Sustainable Agriculture Program, London: IIED. n.d.
- Karl, Marilee
Women and Empowerment, Participation and Decision-Making, Zed Books. 1995
- Kaufman, Michael (York University, Toronto)
Community Power and Grassroots Democracy, Zed Books. 1997
- Lardinois, Inge
Organic Waste; Options for Small-Scale Resource Recovery; Urban Solid Waste Series 1. 132pp, ISBN:9070857332, TOOL Books 1993
- Marsden, David & Peter Oakley
Evaluating Social Development Projects. 162pp, ISBN:0855981474, Oxfam 1990
- Marsden, David, Peter Oakley & Brian Pratt
Measuring the Process; Guidelines for Evaluating Social Development. 178pp, ISBN:198774806x, INTRAC 1996
- Maskrey, Andrew
Disaster Mitigation; A Community Based Approach. 100pp, ISBN:0855981237, Oxfam 1989
- Max-Neef, Manfred A (Executive Director, CEPAUR)
Human Scale Development, Conception, Application and Further Reflections Zed Books. 1991
- Mda, Zakes (Yale University)
When People Play People, Development Communication Through Theatre, Zed Books. 1993
- Merschmeyer, Gerhard
Basic Know-How for the Making of Burnt Bricks and Tiles; Handbook for Village Brickmakers in Africa. 164pp, Misereor 1989
- Munjal, Seema, et al
Basics of Documentation. 66pp, VHAI 1988
- Nelson, Nici, and Susan Wright
Power and Participatory Development; Theory and Practice. 208pp, ISBN:1853392413, ITP 1995
- Oakley, Peter, et al
Projects with People; The Practice of Participation in Rural Development. 284pp, ISBN:9221072827, ILO 1991
- Parker, A Rani
Another Point of View; A Manual on Gender Analysis Training for Grassroots Workers. 106pp, PACT Publications 1993
- Pickford, John et al
Affordable Water Supply and Sanitation. 176pp, ISBN:1853392944, ITP 1995
- Pretty, Jules N
Participatory Learning and Action; A Trainer's Guide. 267pp, ISBN:189825002, HED 1995
- Rahman, Md Anisur
People's Self-Development, Perspectives on Participatory Action Research, Zed Books. 1993
- Roberts, Glyn
Questioning Development. 48pp, ISBN:0906415157, Alver Press 1984
- Rubin, F
A Basic Guide to Evaluation for Development Workers. 96pp, ISBN:0855982756, Oxfam 1994
- Schneider, Bertrand
The Barefoot Revolution; A Report to the Club of Rome. 296pp, ISBN:1853390372, ITP 1989
- Schumacher, E.R.
Small is Beautiful; A Study of Economics as if People Mattered. 266pp, ISBN:0349131325, Abacus 1974
- Singh, Naesh, et al (ed)
Empowerment; Towards Sustainable Development, Zed Books. 1993
- Slocum, Rachel
Power, Process and Participation; Tools for Change. 252pp, ISBN:1853393037, ITP 1995
- Smillie, Ian
The Alms Bazaar; Altruism Under Fire; Non Profit Organizations and International Development. 286pp, ISBN:1853393010, ITP 1995
- Snyder, Margaret C, et al
African Women and Development, A History, Zed Books. 1996
- Srinivasan, Lyra
Tools for Community Participation; A Manual for Training Trainers in Participatory Techniques. 176pp, ISBN:0912917202, Prowess/UNDP 1990
- Stieffel, Matthias & Marshal Wolfe
A Voice for the Excluded; Popular Participation in Development; Utopia or Necessity? 270pp, ISBN:1856492486, Zed Books 1993
- Stulz, Roland & Kiran Mukerji
Appropriate Building Materials; Third Edition. ISBN:1853392251, 430pp, ITP/SKAT/GATE 1993
- Taylor, Laurence
Time to Listen; The Human Aspect in Development. 80pp, ISBN:1853390046, ITP 1989
- van Veldhuizen, Laurens, et al (Netherlands)
Developing Technology With Farmers, A Trainer's Guide for Participatory Learning, Zed Books. 1997
- Vink, N., et al
Culture and Communication; The Forgotten Dimension of Development. ISBN:90068328115, KIT n. d.
- Visvanathan, Nalini, et al (eds)
The Women, Gender and Development Reader, Zed Books. 1997
- Walters, Shirley (University of Cape Coast) (ed)
Gender in Popular Education, Methods for Empowerment., Zed Books. 1996
- Wignaraja, Ponna (ed)
New Social Movements in the South, Zed Books. 1993
- Williams, Suzanne
The Oxfam Gender Training Manual. 60pp, ISBN:0855982675, Oxfam 1994
- Wilson, Bruce
The Copy Book. 102pp, ISBN:0946688443, ITP 1988
- Mata, J.I.
A Method for Transferring Technology to Farmers. Washington, D.C. Academy for Educational Development. 1992
- Narayan, Deepa
Participatory Evaluation. Technical Paper 207. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. 1993
- Theis, J. and H. Grady
Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development: London: Save the Children Fund. 1991
- Wolfe, Marshall
Elusive Development, Zed Books. 1996
- World Bank
Elusive Development, Zed Books. 1996
- World Bank
Participatory Development Toolkit. ISBN:0821326872, World Bank. 1994
- Zeitlyn, Jonathan
Appropriate Media for Training and Development. 226pp, ISBN:9070857278. TOOL Books. 1992
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