Phil Bartle family web page
Phil Bartle Family Web Site
Site Map

philres.htm  philres          Phil Bartle resumé

Family and Genealogy:
alb-anc.htm  alb-anc     Ancestors of Albert Jónsson
albartle.htm  albartle    Albert Bartle family history
albert4.htm  albert4      Albert Bartle obituary by Rodger Konkle
aljonson.htm aljonson   Albert Jónsson family history
jackbar.htm  jackbar    Jack Bartle family history
logberg.htm  logberg1Lögberg; Number 16, Volume 21 (1908 April 16)
philbart.htm  philbart    Phil Bartle family history
piper.htm    piper        Philip Francis Adsley Piper family page
safo.htm      safo          Ama Safo, mother of Elizabeth Quayson Bartle
sig-anc.htm  sig-anc     Ancestors of Sigríður Þorsteinsdóttir
walkelly.htm walkelly  Walter Kelly family history

betty.htm    betty          Betty Miller page
marcel.htm  marcel      Marcellus Chegge page
monica.htm  monica      Monica Rujumba page
divali.htm   haresh       Haresh's Divali greeting page
Naz.htm      Nazirulah  Nazirullah's Eid Mubarak page

if.htm           If                 Rudyard Kipling
desid.htm    Desiderata   Max Ehrmann
mandela.htm Fear            Nelson Mandela

victoria victoria.htm Before you visit Victoria

index.htm   home      Phil Bartle Family Home Page
site.htm       site         Site Map (this page)
Phil Bartle family web page
Phil Bartle family web page
Updated: 2003 February 7
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