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MONITORING & REPORTING ILLUSTRATIONSBy Julianna KuruhiiraEdited by Phil Bartle, PhDTraining Material Production ResourceTo copy or download each image from its URL, right-click on it and choose the "Save_Picture_As" option in the pull-down menu................................... Illustration 1: Community Based Monitoring Workshop:
Illustration 2: Report Writing Workshop:
Illustration 3: Monitoring the Mobilization and Organizing:
Illustration 4: Monitoring the Community Training:
Illustration 5: Monitoring a Community Executive Planning Meeting:
Illustration 6: Monitoring Technical Advisers Giving Advice:
Illustration 7: Monitoring Construction:
Illustration 8: Reporting Progress to the Executive:
Illustration 9: A Visit to the Community Project Site:
Illustration 10: Reporting to the Community Executive:
Illustration 11: Reporting to the Community:
Illustration 12: Reporting to the District, Nation and External Donors:
Illustration 13: Based on Assessment & Reporting, Choosing Another Project:
Illustration 14: Situation Observation & Analysis:
If you found these illustrations useful, please let us know how you use them. For more line drawings like these, see: Community Strengthening Cycle Illustrations, ––»«––© Copyright 1967, 1987, 2007 Phil Bartle
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