Ostale Stranice:
TABU RODOSKRVLJEOsećaj OdbojnostiAutor: Fil Bartl, Dr.Preveo Goran Petkovic, Adriana DulićMaterijal Za ObukuZašto među ljudima postoji tabu rodoskrvljaVećina ljudi u većini društava ima duboko usidrenu odbojnost prema rodoskrvnom seksu. S ovim mi ne mislimo samo na seksualno zlostavljanje dece, nego ovim mi mislimo i na heteroseksualni seks, konsenzualni između majke i sina ( kao Edipus) ili oca i kćerke kao( Elektra ili Mira), brata i sestre ( kao Zevs i Hera) bez obzira na starost. Kao i s mnogim drugim stvarima u našem društvu u kojem se prenaglašavaju naučna objašnjenja, posebno biološka, mnogi od nas misle da tabu rodoskrvlja vuče biološke korene, i da stoji kao protekcija koja se je razvila kroz našu evoluciju. Ne. Kad dvije rodbinski vezane osobe imaju spolni odnos nakon kog se rodi dete, neznač odmah da će to dete će pokazati znake bolesti ili degeneracije kao što bi mnogi očekivali. Šta će se dogoditi, je pojačavanje već postojećih karakteristika. Postoji veća šansa da će se resesivni geni pojaviti. Efekat se malo razlikuje među generacijam koje su praktikovale rodbinsko ukrštanje među mnogim društvima širom sveta. Ako je karakteristika koja se je pojavila negativna ili fatalna, što je bio slučaj s mnogim kraljevskim familijama u Evropi (Hemofilija), onda će se zasigurno desiti. Odvratnost prema rodoskrvlju je daleko veća od odvratnosti prema parenju individua daljeg roda, a biologija nije dovoljna da objasni nivo te odvratnosti. Ako pogledamo na sve naše rođake primate, mi možemo videti da oni svi na neki način praktikuju rodoskrvlje, osim nas. Mi zbog tog sumnjamo, da taj tabu polayi od početka ljudske vrste, i početka ljudske kulture. We see the origin of culture as having something to do with the use of tools (sophisticated and complicated tools, as other primates use simple tools) and language (sophisticated and complicated languages, as other primates use simple forms of language). We now suspect that the three traits, tools, language, and the incest taboo, are all related to each other and related to the origin of humanity. The incest taboo requires that we must exchange mates between groups, and that exchange was required for us to communicate and develop our tools (increasing our likelihood to survive, thrive and reproduce). Early families, based upon the taboo, were part of those which developed culture, technology and co-operation, and survived while our close cousins (the Neanderthals?) did not. Whatever. Families, in their various forms, appear to be among our earliest social institutions –– and communities were among the various institutions which developed as extensions of those families, necessitated by the incest taboo, strengthened by technology and made possible by complex language. While the taboo appears to be the closest thing we have to a universal social institution, another argument for its early appearance in human society, there are a few cases where it is not only allowed, but prescribed. Brother sister incest was practised among the royal families of people such as in Tahiti and in early dynasty Egypt. The latter were African aristocracies, and parts of the practice may also have been the origin of West African matriliny by trans Saharan migrations. In the known cases of brother sister marriage among kings and queens, it is explained by the huge degree of hierarchy, and the considering of the kings and queens as god-like or above the natural human level. Among the gods, incest was practised without moral outcry, and so it was a way to set the royalties of those societies as well above and apart from commoners. It is not necessary for you to believe this argument. You do need to be aware of it, and be able to show that you have learned about it (ie. if it is asked on an exam question). ––»«––Ukoliko kopirate tekst sa ovog sajta, molimo vas da priznate autora |
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