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Polish, Spanish, English and French language translator


I was born in Poland and moved with my family to Adelaide, Australia at the age of 10.

I have completed a Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) at the Flinders University of South Australia, focusing on international politics and development. Throughout university, I was actively involved with Adelaide's environmental movement and various social justice campaigns. I am currently continuing my studies with a Master of Social Sciences (International Development) at RMIT University in Melbourne.

My dream is to become an aid worker and work in Africa, South America and the Middle East. I became a volunteer translator for Phil Bartle in order to practice my languages – Polish, French and Spanish.

I also enjoy reading materials on this site and have learned much from the wealth of experience that is contained in them.

See: "Go to the People" in Polish

Introduction à la Gestion Participative

Wstęp do współuczestnictwa w zarządzaniu

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 Slogans and Proverbs: Following the path of least resistance makes all rivers
and some men crooked

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Web Design by Lourdes Sada
Last update: 2012.04.17

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