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by Phil Bartle, PhD

13. Learn and Use What Is Useful and Interesting in the Specific Community:

First you must learn much about the community, and the things and activities that are most essential in it. Then you must draw your participants into doing the same thing, becoming more conscious of the details of what is happening around them.

When they are learning basic literacy, they should not be burdened with a large vocabulary, or with learning the shapes of a large number of characters in the alphabets you are using. You must therefore be selective, and should select words that identify things that are most commonly used by them.

The vocabulary, the content of your literacy programme, needs to be functional. That means it must be practical and relevant. That differs from community to community. That is why you, as a mobiliser, need to be very familiar with the details of daily life to plan a literacy programmee. You do not do it yourself; you draw it out of the participants ─ but you need to know what to draw out of the participants.

Notes on all of the above (long document)

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Last update: 2012.08.31

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