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The Community Moves
Introduction to the Module (Hub)
Documents Included in this Action Module
Heaven n'er helps the men who will not act. Sophocles
After you have prepared yourself and organized the community, its action begins
You, as mobilizer, have already been in action (ie preparing the community). Now it is time for the
community to go into action.
The whole community has participated in decision making, it has formed an executive, created a community plan of action, designed a project, and an organization for acting. Time for it to start moving.
As an example, let us say the action is building a latrine. Plans are examined; resources collected, building begins. There are several areas where you, as the mobilizer, have work to do. Do not organize, supervise or work in constructing the latrine.
Your role is to facilitate needed technical training (identified by the community and its executive during construction), ensure that the work is monitored, that there is full and free information about all aspects (especially financial disbursements) and that community members never become complacent or slip into thinking that it is not their own project.
This module tells you some of your tasks and roles while the community is in action. You do not control their action; you encourage and assist them to do it. You provide praise, positive advice, public recognition.
You assist in obtaining needed training, you promote public knowledge, gender balance, transparency, and a high project profile.
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––»«––Last update: 2011.09.25