'العربية / al-ʿarabīyah |
KEY WORDS IN THE "INTO ACTION" MODULEby Phil Bartle, PhDCELEBRATION: A celebration is a happy recognition of an event, usually one which changes the status of a person or thing. (See: Rites of Passage). A celebration is a public party For a mobilizer, celebration of completion of a community project is an important element of community empowerment, where the community is publicly recognized for successfully engaging in self-help. It is also an opportunity to start a new beginning, another mobilization cycle. See Mobilization Cycle. See Celebration. العربيّة: الاحتفال, Bahasa Indonesia: perayaan, বাংলা : উদ্যাপন, Català: celebració, Deutsch: feier, Ελληνικά: Εορτασμός, English: celebration, Español: celebración, Euskera: ospakizuna, Ewe: azadudu, جشن: جشن, Filipino/Tagalog: pagdiriwang, Français: célébration, Galego: celebración, हिन्दी : जशन, Italiano: celebrazione, 日本語: お祝い, Kiswahili: sherehe, Malay: keraian, Português: comemoração, Română: celebrare, Pyccкий: празднование, Srpski Proslava Tiên Việt: sự khen ngợi, Türkçe: kutlama, ردو: جشن, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 庆祝MONITORING: Monitoring is the regular observation, recording, analysing and reporting of activities and the results of those activities, in a project or similar activity. (See Monitoring). العربيّة: الرصد, Bahasa Indonesia: pengawasan, Català: seguiment, Deutsch: monitoring, Ελληνικά: Παρακολούθηση, English: monitoring, Español: supervisar, Ewe: dzikpurkpor, جشن / Farsi: نظارت, Filipino/Tagalog: pagsubaybay, Français: surveillance, Galego: supervisión, हिन्दी : निगरानी, Italiano: monitoraggio, 日本語: 監視, 한국어 / Hangugeo: 모니터링, Malay: memantau, Nederlands: monitoren, Português: monitoragem, Română: monitorizarea, Pyccкий: Индикаторы мониторинга, Srpski: Nadležni znaci, Tiên Việt: giám sát, Türkçe: gözlemleme, ردو: نگرانی, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 监察MONITORING INDICATORS: Qualitative and quantitative criteria (signs) for measuring or assessing the achievements, or degrees of achievement of project activities, objectives and outputs. They should be objectively verifiable. See: Measuring Strength for indicators of the desired results of community mobilizing, ie empowerment. العربيّة: مؤشرات الرصد, Català: indicadors per al seguiment, Deutsch: indikatoren für das monitoring, Ελληνικά: Δείκτες Παρακολούθησης, English: monitoring indicators, Español: indicadores para la supervisión, Ewe: dzikporkpor dzersiwo, جشن / Farsi : شاخص ها, ی مراقبت, Filipino/Tagalog: panukat na ginagamit sa pagsusubaybay, Français: indicateurs de surveillance, Galego: indicadores da supervisión, हिन्दी : निगरानी संकेतक, Italiano: indicatori di monitoraggio, 日本語: 監視の評価基準, Português: indicadores de monitorar, Română: indicatori de monitorizare, Pyccкий: Индикаторы мониторинга, Srpski: Nadležni znaci, Türkçe: izleme göstergeleri, ردو: مانيٹرنگ کے مقياس, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 监察指标WORKSHOP: A "workshop" is a session that may be one or more days long. Do not confuse it with a conference (which is to confer or discuss). A workshop is intended for work, and must have a planned output. In a training workshop, the work is training, and the output should be among the five purposes of training indicated on this website. See "Preparing a Workshop."
لعربيّة: ورشة لعمل, Bahasa Indonesia: selebaran lokakarya, Català: taller, Deutsch: Workshop, Ελληνικά: Εργαστήρι, English: workshop, Español: taller, Ewe: amerherher takperkper, جشن / Farsi: کارگاه یا ورک شاپ, Filipino: workshop, Français: atelier, Galego: taller, हिन्दी : कार्यशाला, Italiano: workshop, 日本語: ワークショップ, Português: seminário, Romãnã: atelier de lucru, Pyccкий: Семинар, Srpski Radionica Türkçe: Atelye çalışması, ردو: ورکشاپ, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 工作坊──»«──If you find a word that needs discussing here, please write.If you copy text from this site, please acknowledge the author(s) |
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