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संघटन चक़ की व्याख्याके द्वारा फिल बार्टले, पीएच.डी.साजेदा भोजानी जरीवाला द्वारा अनुवादीतप्रशिक्षण दस्तावेज़ और संदर्भइस चक्र के प्रत्येक चरण का विवरणसार: यह दस्तावेज़ संघटक चक़ के हर चरण मे दिखता है,प्रत्येक चरण संक्षिप्त रुप से बताया गया है.इसे संघटन चक़ के साथ संयोजन के रूप में पढ़ा जाना चाहिए संघटन चक़ एक पन्ने की कार्यशाला थिसिस. This cycle is illustrated in Strengthening Cycle Illustrations
परिचय: इस संघटन चक्र को कभी कभी "समुदाय का भागीदारी संवर्धन चक्र," या "समस्या हल चक्र," या "इस समुदाय का विकास चक़," या "सामाजिक प़ाणसंचारक चक़"कहा जाता है. यह उपायों की एक श्रृंखला है (एक या अधिक mobilizer द्वारा)जो के एक समुदाय की एसे निर्णयों में जो कि अपने स्वयं के विकास को प्रभावित करता है .भागीदारी के स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है . इसे चक़ कहा जाता है,हर बार पहले सफलता हासील करने पर ,त्रुटियों पर ,इसे दोहराया जाता है,और सबक सीखा जाता है.
लक्षित समुदाय के सभी सदस्यों की भागीदारी ( जैविक या सामाजिक विशेषताओं का ध्यान किए बिना) गरीबी कम करने और समुदाय दोनों के लिए आवश्यक है यहाँ CDP में नियंत्रण और निर्णय लेने में भागीदारी विशेष रूप से पूरे समुदाय की भागीदारी (न केवल समुदाय के कुछ गुटों की) मुख्य निर्णयों किए जाने के लिए और नियंत्रण का प्रयोग करने के लिये शामिल हैं: स्थितियों का आकलन (जरूरतों और क्षमता) ; निर्धारण (और उत्पादन लक्ष्य और उन से उद्देश्य); योजना क्रिया (समुदाय कार्रवाई की योजना, परियोजना के डिजाइन): लागू करने और उनकी निगरानी, और उनके परिणामों का मूल्यांकन समुदाय एक पूरे के रूप में जिम्मेदारी लेता है ( कीसी बाहरी पार्टी पर नहीं छोड़ सकते है ) संसाधनों का योगदान, (जैसे दान, साम्प्रदायिक श्रम, आपूर्ति),संवाद और बाहरी एजेंसियों के साथ परामर्श प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है यद्यपि "भागीदारी" (इस रणनीति में) "योगदान" या "परामर्श" से अधिक व्यापक और समावेशी है संवेदीकरण और क्लीयरेंस समुदाय का संघटक प्राधिकारी द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त होना चाहिए और कानूनी दर्जा प्राप्त होना चाहिए विद्रोहात्मक आंदोलनकारियों के रूप में गिरफ्तारी में संवेदनशील नही होना चाहिए और पुलिस और दूसरों द्वारा कानून और व्यवस्था बनाए रखने के लिये परेशान नही होना चाहिए, इसके अतिरिक्त, यह अधिकारियों के हाथों में हे के कंहा प्रावधान को बनाए रखने के दृष्टिकोण मे निहित हित है ऑर योग्यता दृष्टिकोण का डर है , लोक सेवक के रूप में, अधिकारियों, नेताओं, पारंपरिक और नए नेता, और तकनीकी विशेषज्ञों के प्रावधान दृष्टिकोण की तत्काल लाभ देखना इसका मतलब है.लोकप्रियता प्राप्त करने के लिए वोट, पदोन्नति और कैरियर अग्रिम,प्रभाव के रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिए संवेदीकरण सिर्फ एक औपचारिकता नहीं है, लेकिन अच्छी तरह से योजना बनाई ऑर निष्पादित की जानी चाहिए .अफवाहों और झूठी मान्यताओं का विरोध संवेदीकरण रणनीति का अभिन्न अंग होना चाहिए. जागरूकता स्थापना: Before encouraging the community to act (and therefore learn and become stronger) the mobilizer must make the community members aware of specific realities. During this step, it is important to avoid raising false expectations, and actively counteract the inevitable assumptions and rumours about the kind of assistance to expect.
जागरूकता मुद्दों में शामिल हैं:
एकता का आयोजन: कोई समुदाय एकीकृत नहीं होता है.वहाँ भिन्नता और विरोध हर एक में होता हैं... वस मात्रा बदलती है... जब ज्यादा सामाजिक असमानता होता है,तो एक समुदाय का प्राथमिकता समस्या में सहमति तक पहुँचना और इस प्रकार से प्राथमिक लक्ष्य को पाना अधिक मुश्किल होता है. समुदाय जुटाने के लिए एकता का आयोजन एक आवश्यक मिसाल है,और पुरे चक़ में जरुरत के हिसाव से चालू रहता है.देखें एकता का आयोजन. Mobilizer प्रशिक्षण: कुछ mobilizers जो उपलब्ध है वो समुदाय सशक्तिकरण और आत्म निर्भरता को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए हर एक हस्तक्षेप की जरूरत में हर समुदाय तक पहुँच नहीं सकते. युगांडा सीएमपी के मामले में प्रत्येक स्थानीय समुदाय में दस स्थानीय कौंसिल mobilizers थे.. ईन अवैतनिक स्वयंसेवकों की मूल स्थापना की गई इस प्रतिरोध आंदोलन के हिस्से के रूप में जो सहभागितापूर्ण लोकतंत्र की Museveni के रुप के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाने के लिए भर्ती किये गये थे... हमने उन्हें प्रशिक्षण दिया और साथमें कुछ भेट वस्तुएं जैसे के कुछ टी शर्ट और साइकिल दीं और उन्होने CDOs है और CDAs (सामुदायिक विकास अधिकारी और उनके सहायकों )के संघटन के प्रयासों का विस्तार किया. स्वयं सहायता को प्रोत्साहित कर सके एसे प्रशिक्षित Mobilizers की कमी इस वेब साइट के रचना और विस्तार और प्रशिक्षण मॉड्यूल के विकास का एक प्रमुख कारण है इसमें मुख्यताः स्थानीय भाषाओं में प्रशिक्षण सामग्री लिखने और स्थानीय बदलती परिस्थितियों को अनुकूलित करने के लिए दिशा निर्देशों हैं मुख्य प्रशिक्षण सामग्री है ताकत के लिए प्रशिक्षण,एक समुदाय प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम,और mobilizers के लिए तीन हैंडबुक, on (1) mobilization, (2) आय सृजन और (3) निगरानी. क्योंकि महत्वपूर्ण निवेश प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण: समुदाय प्रबंधन कार्यक्रम के एक तत्व जो कि रूढ़िवादी एनीमेशन या सामुदायिक विकास कार्यो से अलग करता है , के अतिरिक्त है प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण:. It is not sufficient to allow or even stimulate a low income or marginalized community to participate in democratic and developmental decision making and actions; it is also necessary for that community to have the capacity to participate. Management training is designed to increase that capacity. क्षमता निर्माण की एक विधि के रूप में, प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण: goes beyond traditional training, with its emphasis only on skill transfer. Developed in the fifties for senior managers of large corporations, management training included some skill transfer, but also awareness raising, information transfer, encouragement and restructuring (organizing for decision making and organizing for effective action). Our participants liked to say, "This is not just training about empowerment, mobilizing and organizing, this training is empowerment, mobilizing and empowerment." Participatory Assessment: Although the mobilizer must first make an assessment of community resources, potentials, hindrances and needs, the strategy of the mobilization cycle requires that an assessment be done with the community as a whole.. This might not be done all at once, and may be done or continued to be done by the community executive later, after it is formed and organized. All future plans and actions in the intervention must be made on the bases of observed reality, not on the imaginings or special interests of specific factions within the community.. The needs and potentials must be recognized by everyone in the community. प्राथमिकताओं की परिभाषा, समस्याएं और लक्ष्य: When the community is sufficiently unified, and when all factions are involved, including women and disabled and other persons less likely to enjoy full participation in community decisions, it is time to set the community into action. That is done by obtaining a consensus of priority problem, and turning it around as a way to identify the priority goal. The brainstorming technique is one of the tools to use here. Community Action Plan (CAP): The community must agree on what it wants to achieve over the next period of time, one year, five years (usually the same period as for the district plans). The plan can also include one or several community projects. Organizing a CIC, Executive Committee: Because the details of a project design can not be accomplished in a public meeting of hundreds of people, it is practically necessary for the community to form an executive (Project Committee, Development Committee, CIC or Community Implementing Committee). This executive committee should be chosen by consensus if voting will contribute to factionalism and schisms; here the mobilizer must be aware of and sensitive to community values and practices. The mobilizer then needs to train the committee in participatory planning, management and leadership, so that it does not become non-transparent (secretive) to the community as a whole. The CIC should review the action plan, add details as needed, and prepare a project design for community approval (again using the participatory methods encouraged by the mobilizer). Here it is necessary to look more into the community management strategy (in Element B) and integrate it into this mobilization cycle. Community Project Designs: The key to management training is the asking and answering, of four key questions: (1) What do we want? (2) What do we have? (3) How do we use what we have to get what we want? and (4) What will happen when we do? These are expanded in detail to become a community project design. In the methodology here, the answering of those questions, and the design of a community project, is participatory, in that it is guided by the mobilizer as trainer (who asks the questions), and generated by the participants as a group (who answer the questions). A "project" is the action (or set of actions decided upon by the community (as a group, stimulated by the mobilizer). The format of the project design is something like this: What is the problem? Define the goal as the solution to the problem; refine the goal into a finite set of objectives (SMART); identify resources and constraints; generate a set of strategies to use the resources, avoid the constraints and obtain the objectives; choose the most effective strategy; decide upon organization (structure, who does what, budget, schedule); and decide upon monitoring, reporting, and evaluation. Negotiation: The mobilizer is walking a fine line here. One one side is too much reliance on outside resources; on the other is the genuine need for supplementary resources needed by the community (and to which it may have a right of access such as to ceded funds from central or district governmental revenue). Where a project design is used as a proposal, or a proposal proper is written by the community executive, it becomes and instrument of negotiation between the community and external authorities and potential sources of resources. Even if it is not seeking outside resources, the community needs to ensure that its plans are consistent with the general plans of its geographical environment, the neighbouring communities, the district or region in which it is located, any national plans and priorities.. Negotiating discussions should include these topics. All stake holders involved in the community project should be involved in this negotiation.. Whether the community seeks resources or approval, or both, its project design and/or proposal is its instrument for negotiating. Contract Preparation and Negotiation: A contract is an optional instrument, recommended here. The mobilizer can assist and guide the community executive in drafting a contract, based upon the project design.. Its wording should be simple and it should be short, while the proposal or project design can be attached as an appendix. The signatories of the contract should be representatives from all the stake holders, and this phase can be blended into the negotiation phase listed above.. The negotiations ensure that there is public transparency about the proposed project, that all concerned (all stake holders) have access to understanding the aims and actions of the community project. They also confirm the legitimacy of the community taking responsibility for its project. Contract Signing: The signatories include representatives of all the stake holders (community executive, district officers, local leaders, agency officers, mobilizers). The meeting for signing the contract can be an opportunity for all of them to meet face-to-face at one time. This is therefore an opportunity for the mobilizer to keep the community involvement in its own project (civic engagement; community participation) as a high profile characteristic of development. If it is assured that all signatories previously agree to the contract, then the signing can be a ceremony, and included with in the following public ceremony.. Setting aside an inside room, such as in a classroom block, may be appreciated by the signatories.. Making it part of a public ceremony increases its legitimacy, and raises public awareness about the methodology of community empowerment. First Instalment Payment: If the proposal and contract are aimed at obtaining financial resources for the community project (and remembering the caveat about dependency), then the first instalment of payment can be used as an opportunity for a public ceremony (perhaps coinciding with the contract signing).. This is an opportunity to raise the profile of the project, and of the participation of community in its design. Entertainment, perhaps in the form of singing, dancing, drumming and skits, performed by local cultural groups, school children, or voluntary groups, is an opportunity to strengthen pride and loyalty in the community and cultural tradition.. The press can be invited so the event can be mentioned on radio, in the local newspaper, and even on national television.. The reason for doing this is that it enhances transparency, raises the profile of the project, and raises awareness about the part of community participation and empowerment. क्रियान्वयन शुरू होता है: At this point the community and its leaders, like the politicians and journalists, will be more interested in the actions and results (eg the building of the latrine, water supply, clinic or school), and needs to be reminded and encouraged that monitoring and reporting must be concurrent with the action.. This is where community enthusiasm can decline or be destroyed, if the action (especially in its finances) is not transparent, and made fully clear to all the community members. While the goal of the community is the finished facility, the goal of the strategy and mobilizer is increased community strength and capacity, so emphasis is put on monitoring and reporting (verbal and written).. Also, this is where the community becomes aware of more needed training in skills related to the action (financial and accounting skills, report writing, technical skills), and where, again, the Element B of the strategy must be integrated with this mobilization cycle. निगरानी और रिपोर्टिंग: While the monitoring and reporting is aimed at observing the action in order to make adjustments and avoid getting off track, it is then supplemented by more in-depth assessment and evaluation.. This includes the assessment of impact of the action, and a value judgement about how it was carried out, if it should have been carried out, and what instead should have been planned. This in turn opens the door to repeating the cycle, because it serves the same purpose as the initial situation analysis and community assessment. बाद किस्त भुगतान: The payment of the external funds to the community executive should be phased, and dependent upon the work being completed to each level. Although this was not needed to be used (by CMP Uganda) it is a form of insurance, so that if work (or reporting) is suspended, so are the payments. Work Continues Until Completion: While work is in progress, the mobilizer has a responsibility of ensuring that monitoring is carried out (especially by the community members as well as by any of the other stake holders).. Transparency, especially about the amounts and purposes of any payments, is necessary to maintain community interest and trust in its own executive. Subsequent payments by agencies providing outside funds should be dependent upon accountability (narrative and financial) and the maintaining of transparency, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity by those responsible to the community for managing the project. सरकारी समापन समारोह: While a ceremony and celebration is a special holiday for most people, it is hard work for the mobilizer.. As with the cheque handing over ceremony listed above, the completion ceremony is an opportunity to make a publicized public event, to raise awareness about community empowerment and about the project, and to confirm the legitimacy and appropriateness of community participation promotion and empowerment of low income communities. The completion ceremony, replete with the press and cultural entertainment, is also an opportunity to remind the community members that they need to evaluate the project now competed, and to determine what their next priority should be, starting the mobilization cycle all over again. Repeating the Cycle: This is not a once-and-for-all action.. It is a process of social change (development) and must be sustained.. While the community will be at a higher level of empowerment that before implementing this first cycle, it should be initiated again.. Furthermore, the mobilizer must train a replacement in view of eventual departure, and the series of mobilizers should identify internal mobilizers (who will not use the mobilizing techniques for their own personal benefit at the expense of community strengthening) from within the community who will be able to sustain the stimulation and interventions after the mobilizers' agency or ministry moves on. Each step of the mobilization cycle is related to those before and after it, and to the cycle as a whole.. There is a logical and functional order to the steps.. Each time the cycle is repeated, it is done so on the basis of assessments made during the previous cycle, and builds upon the results of the strengthening that has already taken place. Other Capacity Building Interventions: The following interventions are also part of the mobilization strategy, but may be inserted at various points in the mobilization cycle.. This can be determined by the mobilizer, if knowledgeable and sensitive to the changing conditions in the community. The goals of mobilization to develop a community may vary from county to county.. Nevertheless, common elements include: poverty eradication, good governance, change in social organization (development), community capacity building, empowering low income and marginalized people, and gender balance.
––»«––For a power point presentation of the mobilisation cycle, with both illustrations and text, look at Power. © कॉपीराइट १९६७, १९८७, २००७ फिल बार्टले
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