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Ebigambo ebisukufu ebitandika ne nyukuta Lby Phil Bartlebyakyusibwa Eric Bunnet Kitsa, Irene Nakasango, Jonathan Mwesigwa S.LANGUAGE Human beings have been identified as "tool making," and that it is through the invention of tools, and the handing on of their making and use to others, as the main factor in our very humanity (our culture; our social organization). If that is so, then perhaps the oldest and most essential tool is language. Each language is a set of symbols and conventions that allow us to communicate with each other. As such, language belongs to the technological dimension of culture. See How to Learn an Unwritten Language. Also see: Sapir Whorf, and Gender and Language. Català: llenguatge, Deutsch: sprache, Ελληνικά: γλωσσα, English: language, Español: lenguaje, Français: langage, Italiano: linguaggio, Português: língua, idioma, Română: limbă, Srpski: jezik, Türkçe: lısan, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 人类语言LEADERSHIP Leadership is one of the sixteen elements of strength, power or capacity of a community or organization. See: Elements of Community Strength. Leadership refers to a quality among persons who lead a group or organization. It is a quality that can be self developed by those who wish to be leaders. Where its leadership is strong, an organization is more empowered. To demonstrate leadership, and thus to be able to lead, you must have vision, honesty, courage and integrity. To be respected by those you would have follow you, you must respect them, and let them know that you respect them. While this is not the place to argue ideologically between democratic or participatory leadership, in contrast to totalitarian, authoritarian and dictatorial styles, the most effective and sustainable leadership (for strengthening the community, not just strengthening the leaders) is one that operates so as to follow the decisions and desires of the community as a whole, to take an enabling and facilitating role. Leaders have power, influence, and the ability to move the community. The more effective its leadership, the more stronger is a community. Leaders must possess skills, willingness, and some charisma. The more effective the leadership, the more capacity has the community or organization. Lack of good leadership weakens it. When stimulating a community to organize and act, the mobilizer needs to be aware of the role of leadership in empowering that community or organization. Leadership is an important skill or talent that should be in the tool boxes of both mobilizers and managers. Català: lideratge, Deutsch: führungskraft, Ελληνικά: ηγεσια, English: leadereship, Español: liderazgo, Français: le leadership, Italiano: leadership, Português: liderança, Română: conducerea, Srpski: rukovodstvo, Türkçe: lıderlik, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 领导才能LEARN The process of enculturation, ie the process of becoming human (having culture), is dependent upon learning. We learn all through our lives. To stop learning is to be dead. We learn by reading, by listening, by watching, by doing. The best way to learn is to learn by "doing." During a one-hour lecture, in the first five minutes we absorb 90 per cent of the information we retain. Català: aprenentatge, Deutsch: lernen, Ελληνικά: μαθαινω, English: learn, Español: aprenda, apprender, Français: apprener, Italiano: imparare, Português: aprender, Română: învăța, Srpski: naučiti, Türkçe: ogren, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 学习LOCK STEP PROGRAM A reading program that is rigid and prescriptive. The teaching material is presented in systematic and sequential manner. See Large. All lessons are created in a manner that teachers are forced to follow the strict instructions. There is little room for teacher creativity and initiative. (Jac Slik) Català: programa de seqüenciació tancada, Deutsch: standardprogramm zum lesenlernen, Ελληνικά: προγραμμα lock step, English: lock step programme, Español: programa de secuencia cerrada, Français: programmes à échelons fixes, Italiano: programma lock step, Română: programul ”pas inchis”, Srpski: fiksiran, Türkçe: kılıt adım programı, 中文 (Zhōngwén): 一个有既定步骤的计划──»«──Bw’osaanga ekigambo ekyetaaga okukubaganyaako ebirowoozo, tukusaba . owandiike.Bw’okoppa ebiwandiikiddwa ku mukutu guno, tukusaba okujjuliza omuwandiisi oba abawandiisi |
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